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December 24 2014 3 24 /12 /December /2014 03:59

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land, lonely hearts struggled 

to find their happiness. .


Each Christmas the lonely faced the same fate of being alone only wanting what the happy

take forgranted, the love of family.


Each lonely heart lost their happy for one reason or another only to want it back with every waking thought.


So they sit on Christmas Eve watching fleeting moments of happy, in the form of old movies

designed, to make you feel the joy of Christmas. Like junkies it is never enough, they thirst for the missing joy. As a tear runs down their cheek reality returns and with it unhappy lonely hearts.


So all the happy hearts that wake up Christmas morning remember the blessing of joy and happiness 

that the meaning of Christmas and the blessing of the family gives you.


Be glad you have a happy heart fore there is no greater loss than your happiness. 

So as you enjoy your family I ask you only this, 


Wish that all the lonely hearts find the happiness that they too need and want. 

God please fill those lonely hearts with your joy on this blessed day.  Amen.

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June 29 2014 7 29 /06 /June /2014 21:31

There is an old adage that "Where there is smoke there is fire." In this case fire is the destruction of a nation. For over two hundred years  on nation has been has been at war fighting the enemies of freedom. Today however the enemy lies within it our own government.


Obama continues to betray the people he swore to protect. Every scandal is another fire. There are so many it's a wonder the media is still denial save two, FOX and the Blaze are the only networks that don't ad smoke to the deception that is Obama.


 Any republican president would have been forced out of office years ago but Obama defies the constitution and the truth dailey. Obama and the democrats think it's okay to lie to the people because they are in control and for the most part not questioned by the media.


Things are blowing up in their faces as the truth begins to come to the top like cream on milk. So many lies that they will never be able to get this monkey off their back. Acorn and voter fraud, Obamacare forced through congress without anyone reading it, BP oil spill by not actiing right away and shutting down the offshore drilling did nothing but create hardship for gulf people and the economy. Stopping the Keystone Pipeline which stopped thousands of jobs. LIves lost at Benghazi due to neglect and then trying to put the blame on a movie no one knew anything about. IRS being used as a deterant to the Tea Party, another case of vote fraud. If that isn't enough his foreign affairs skills are non existent. He traded a trairor for 5 terrorists then turns his back on a real hero locked up in Mexico.


A real President whould have gotten our man out of Mexico within a few days. Obama has done nothing. I would have shut down the border not allowing any planes flying into Mexico or flying back the States. No truck traffic either way. That would have freed our man. Then there was the case on the Mexican helicopter that fired on our bordor patrol. Where is the media? We should have shot them out of the sky. 


Time and time again the lies, deception and inaction open wounds on the American spirit. If there was smoke for the fires of treason the White House could not be seen from Pennsylvania Ave. We have a government out of control, a president who would be king and congress who should reevaluate who they work for. What everyone needs to realize is if the country isn't healthy it will effect your daily life in the form of higher taxes, higher cost of goods and loss of jobs. When November gets here vote for who will be best for the country not who will be the best for you. 


John Kennedy said it best "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country?"






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May 8 2014 4 08 /05 /May /2014 04:14

I was on my way to work this morning when I found myself behind a firetruck. I was thinking about where to pick up some breakfast before going to work when I noticed a US flag attached to the back of a firetruck. It had been attached for a while because it was dirty as it waved it the wind. It was a 3 foot by 2 foot flag that had seen better days. As we drove down the street and the flag came to life and would limply hang when we would come to a stop. I was suffering from mixed emotions.


First I was agrivated that some firemen let it get so dirty. I felt like I should do something about it. As I pulled up to business I was going to get breakfast I noticed a fireman getting into a truck. At first I thought I would say something to him, then I did an about face and walked to him and knocked on his window. He lowered the window and I asked him if he worked at the station just up the street. He said no he like me was on the way to work and stopped to get some breakfast. He then asked me how he could help me being very courtious. I then mentioned to him about the flag and how I thought it deserved more respect than it was getting. I told him I was proud to see it on the truck but it should be cleaned. He said he understood and would relay the message to that station. I thanked him for being a fireman and for taking me serious. He went on his way. 


As I left the parking lot I was glad I said something to the fireman. At the same time I had a flash of another kind. The tarnished flag reminded me of our country today. There was a time when people loved our country and would do anything for it. Loving America was a normal felling , the flag would be clean and fly with dignity. Today things are so different. The government used to let us live our lives and protect us, that's what the Constitution wants the government to do. Something took our faith in government and our hope for a better future and flushed it down the toilet. It was probably started by 9/11/2001. 


Since then we have gone down hill, here and abroad. We went from a super power to has been with little respect. Why you ask? Well We have a government that lusts for power over its people. It passes laws that very few agree with. Laws that stifel growth and promote slavery. That's right slavery. The government entices people not to work by giving them money to live off of. They are simply buying votes. Our flag has never looked so ugly as it does now. Don't get me wrong I love my country and my flag. We can reverse this. You can be apart of the change. In November we have midterm elections and it's time to get rid of the cancer that plagues this country. It's time to clean the flag. We need to get conservatives elected who believe in the Constitution. If we do this our flag will once again will shine with the goodness of our ideals. This requires every conservative to get involved and vote. Get off you ass and help the US of A regain it's swagger. Lets clean that flag.

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December 8 2013 7 08 /12 /December /2013 18:53

I added to the beginning of my new book "The Next Leap". What I would like to hear from you is whether or not you want to read the book because of the beginning. Please be honest in your response.


The Knock at the door



Billy was standing with Angel, Candace and Justin waiting for their graduation flight to form up for their march across the parade grounds at Lackland Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas. Today is graduation day and they would officially be Air Force officers.


Glancing up Billy saw his next assignment as an Air Force officer, pilot of a Leap space ship. The Leap ship had began its slow decent and was landing on the Parade grounds ahead of schedule. Billy knew time was short and had one last thing to tell Sergeant Billings.


“Sergeant Billings I just wanted you to know how much we appreciate the training you have given us. We will make you proud of us.” Said Billy.


“You have already done that. I have one thing to say to you all. Always remember your roots. We are a country founded in blood and sacrifice. I know you all have already faced death. So remember this, there will come a time when it’s better to stand down so you can fight another day. There is no shame in that. That is knowledge that will serve you well.”


“If we ever get in that situation I’m sure we will remember your words and act accordingly. Thank you.” Said Billy. 


They each shook Sergeant Billings hand as the Leap ship touched down. As the ramp lowered the Shield members stepped out and went straight to Sergeant Billings and shook his hand.


“It is so good seeing you Sergeant Billings.” Said Tooley.


“It’s good to see all of you again. I was saddened to hear about Woody.”


“He was a loss we did not count on but the job of protecting our president is still ours. How are our new officers?” O.C. Asked.


“They are a credit to their uniforms. I would go into battle with them anytime. Their heads are on straight. They remind me of the Shield. You have more in common with them than you think.”


“That’s good to know because we have a special assignment for them. I hope to see you again under better circumstances. Goodbye Sergeant.” Said Tooley.


“Good luck gentlemen. Look after our new officers.” Said Sergeant Billings.


“We will. They are a national treasure.” Said Sir John.


Billy heard the conversation and wondered about their assignment. It did not sound like fun. It sounded dangerous.




Once inside the Leap ship there was a debriefing on the living deck. Tooley began.


“First I want to tell you how proud I am of your commitment to the new space program. The President has awarded each of you the Distinguished Flying Cross for your efforts in saving the Earth. Billy you have also been promoted to First Lieutenant.”


Tooley handed Billy his silver First lieutenant bars and four shiny Distinguished Flying Crosses were given to each of the new officers. Everyone was proud but worried.


“I just want you to know these awards were planned before the situation arose.” Said Tooley.


“What situation?” Asked Billy. Billy knew what ever the situation was it involved the president, otherwise the Shield would not be there.


“We have had contact with the Greys again. They want you four. You are now wanted men and women though out the Galaxy. They consider you enemies of the planet Ebo for your part in the death and destruction on Ebo. The President refused to give you up, so  they kidnapped him. Solomon believes they will not be fooled like they were before. He thinks that approach could put the President in harms way.”


“Where is Solomon?” Asked Billy.


“Solomon left these four transport rings. He said you know how to use them. He also said he needed his ship and would meet us at the coordinates given to us for the exchange.”


“What do you mean exchange?” Said Candace who had more than her share of the Greys.


“We are going to exchange you four for the President. Don’t worry when we have the President inside the Leap ship we will transport you out of there, then destroy the Grey ship.”


“This was Solomon’s idea? What if it goes wrong? Asked Candace.


“Lieutenant Stevens. You are in the military now. We take orders whether we like them or not. We would not put you in harms way if we did not think this wouldn’t work.”


“Aye, Aye Sir.” Said Lieutenant Candace Stevens.


“Major Packard let’s assume something goes wrong and we don’t transport out of there, what is the next step? I think we deserve that much.” Asked Billy.


“You each have transmitters in your bodies. We will follow you and the Shield will do it’s best to rescue you. I promise you that.” Said Tooley.


“Thank you Sir. We just wanted to know what to expect. We have never been bait before.” Replied Billy. He didn’t like being bait and no real proof it would work.


“Where is this exchange to take place?” Asked Justin.


“On a small island in the Bahama’s where they can see for miles all around them.” Replied Sir John. 


“How long before we get there?” Asked Candace.

“It should be a few minutes.” Answered O.C.


Those few minutes pasted quickly. As they approached the small island they could see the Grey’s ship waiting for them. It was easy to tell the Leap ship was Grey technology, both looked alike. They landed the Leap ship about fifty yards from the Grey ship. Both ships lowered their ramps about the same time.


Two Greys escorted the President down the ramp. Tooley and Sir John escorted the Leap crew. Billy was so apprehensive he hated the assignment.They began the walk towards each other much like ageless stories from the past of prisoner exchanges. Where was Solomon?


“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Said Candace.


“Me too.” Said Angel.


Billy felt the same way but said, “Hush up it will be okay.”


“I don’t know. You have not been on the menu as I have.” Replied Candace.


“Everyone shut up.” Ordered Tooley.


“I don’t agree with this!” Shouted President Mcleod.


They finally stood face to face, when one of the Greys said, “Is this the crew we want?”


“Yes, this is the crew that destroyed much of your planet.” Tooley proudly said.


Billy thought, “Gee thanks Major Packard that kind of help we don’t need.” Billy began to feel sick to his stomach. 


Both Greys looked angry after the remark. The Leap crew was responsible for the deaths of many Greys and their way of life. They were war criminals, that’s why they wanted them.


“Here’s your leader you can have him back this time.” Implying there would be another time.


The exchange was made and they began the walks back to both ships when Solomon’s ship approached and landed about mid way between both ships. The ramp lowered and out came Solomon in a different outfit that no one had seen before. It was a warriors uniform and the Greys acted like they had seen it before. It was then Billy remembered Solomon was also a warrior. 


Solomon walked over to the Greys and said, “What are your plans for these four?”


“We are to take them back to Ebo for trial and execution.” Said one of the Greys in a respectful manner.


“I cannot allow that. I will execute them here and now in front of you then you are to leave this space never to return. If you refuse me the Anunnaki will go to Ebo and destroy everything and everyone left alive. Your race will be gone in moments. Are these terms acceptable?” Billy and his friends were now close to mutiny.


“We have no choice but to comply.”


“Good. Step back.” Said Solomon.


“First you four get close together.” Solomon said to the Leap Crew.


“Solomon you can’t do this!” Yelled Angel.


“This has to be done for Earth. Remember I am a guardian of Earth, not it’s people. On the count of three say hello to your God for me.”


“One.” Tooley became enraged and began running toward Solomon.




Billy looked into Angel’s eyes and said. “I love you.” He wondered how he went from a high school student to a martyr in ten short weeks.




Solomon had a hand weapon and a blue flash leaped from the weapon. The four started glowing then a blue explosion like a fireworks display, they were gone. Tooley could not get there in time. He knelt down on the sand and a tear ran down his cheek. He had told those kids it was Solomon’s idea. Now they were gone.


Four years earlier.

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December 1 2013 7 01 /12 /December /2013 03:17

I was visiting a friend from high school yesterday, Judi Stiefel. She introduced me to her Mom and Dad who both require aid for daily living. She told me of her mother who suffers with a blindness that slowly took her sight . She wrote a book that helped her deal with her slow loss of sight.  Dorothy H. Stiefel is 80 today and although, now completely blind, she is full of life and love. I have no doubts that she will one of God's angels when her time comes. I held her hand and felt a touch of life and love I was amazed.


So I honor her and her writings, Below is but one such poem titled  "Prayer"


What my eyes can

see no more

let my heart be ready for.


Let my heart see,

let it say,

what my eyes did

every day.


Let my mind know,

let me feel,

what my heart seeks

now to heal.


This I pray for

night and day,

help me learn to 

find the way.


When my eyes can 

see no more,

let my soul sing



So happy birthday Dorothy. May you find your sight when you reach the gates.



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November 24 2013 7 24 /11 /November /2013 15:37

There have been so many different scenarios that the truth has been hidden for fifty years. I have spent many years watching documentaries, reading books and listening to talk shows. It seems to me the answer lies with the government. Why else would it seal all the evidence up for 75 years.


After 75 years all people involved would be dead. I did say all because I don't believe Oswald pulled any triggers. He was as he said a patsy, set up to cover for the real killing machine. I think the government thought after 75 years people would forget and history would just say one crazed man took Kennedy's life.


What the government doesn't want you to know that a coup d'etat had taken place. For those that don't know what that is, it's when a government is overthrown or in this case a president was killed to get someone to take his place. That's  right Johnson.


Just think of all the cover-up that had taken place. Only the government could do it. So the real question was why?


Kennedy disliked Johnson and was about to announce he was going to have a different running mate for Vice-president. Johnson had served his purpose, he carried Texas and helped in the southern states during the election. The truth was he was a dirty politician that engaged in voter fraud. Johnson also hated Kennedy there was no lost between them.


Since the Bay of Pigs fiasco Kennedy had hated the CIA and planned to disbanned the department. The CIA would not allow that to happen.


Kennedy was in the process of ending the Vietnam war when he was assassinated. Now who would not want the war to end? Companies who made helocopters, jets, bombs, fuel anything to support the war. Guess what, Johnson was very friendly with the war machine.


So you see there were many people that wanted Kennedy gone. Too many enemies within the government signed Kennedy's death warrant.


They set up a patsy, Then covered it up with the Warren Report. All those pages were good only for the outhouse. When you start talking of magic bullet that does all that damage and the bullet doesn't get damaged you loose any credibility you may have had.


So you see the government run by bad people can do bad things. So today we have plenty of bad going on. I truly believe we have not seen all the bad yet. When or if it comes  will it be to late to to affect change. Be open minded don't believe everything the government tells you. They lie to protect not the government but the people in charge. The government is held hostage right now. Who ever is running Obama, thinks nothing of us. We are ants on a table to be squashed.


Don't just sit there. Get involved. 

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November 17 2013 7 17 /11 /November /2013 06:24

Mr. President,


and I use that term with guarded respect. its time for you to resign. Not only are you a laughing stock to people everywhere, you have betrayed the people's trust. You lied to the people to forward your agenda. You lie so much no one takes you seriously except for the brain dead on the government dole.


You want to take us down the road to Socialism. Your oath to preserve , protect and defend the Constitution was nothing to you but words that had to be said to become President. These words do have meaning but you have turned your back on that meaning every chance you got.. You have nothing but contempt for anything the Founders felt important. You are nothing but a Dictator who thinks he is above everyone. I have news for you, we are tired of your lies and your agenda. 


The only people that are behind you are the ones that you have forced into serfdom and live off food stamps and public housing. As long as they get their free assistance they are happy no matter what you say. The truth is they never listen to you. They just want their free handouts. The only people that listen to you are people who know your words are lies. We know who you are and it has nothing to do with your race. 


Speaking of race, you have done your best to be a divider and promoter of racism because it helps your agenda. You and the media do their best to make it look like America is a racist country. News flash you were elected, twice. Racism is just not the issue it once was but you do your best to bring back racism because it helps your agenda, 


At every turn in the road of your Presidency you turn away from the Constitution and towards Socialism. You have made a mockery of your oath to the people. If the Founders were alive today they would be forming an army to put you out of office. You had so much potiential as the first black President  but you squandered the opportunity to bring this country together. However you have been anything but that.


I remember a commercial on television where a indian looks out at America and is heart broken by what he sees as a tear runs down his cheek. Today insert George Washington as he looks at America and a tear runs down his cheek. He is so ashamed what we have become, lazy, self indulgent and complacent. The Founders would wonder where we went wrong. Mr. President you will never change. You are part of the problem. It there is an ounce of patriotism running through your veins you need to resign. You have all the money you can use, so step aside and let America find her way back to her greatness that we so loved. Can you do that Mr. President can you let her go. The cancer that you are to her could kill her if not treated. Help her live. Resign. Help her return to greatness, Resign. Be part of the solution, Resign.


The people will fight you.  in the end your legacy will be the real looser. You will be know as the President whom the people rose up against and forced him out of office. So before it goes that far, Resign. I'm sorry Sir it's time to Resign.

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October 6 2013 7 06 /10 /October /2013 18:05

These are crazy times. It really makes me wonder how the United States have gotten into such a sad state. It seems to me there are three kinds of man. First is the "Common Man". This is a follower a non leader. He does his job for a pay check, if he works at all, and doesn't want to get involved. Then there is the" Inspired man". This is a man who can lead and usually does in one form or another. He Is a man who is inspired to make a better world for himself and family. Then there is the "Extraordinary Man". This looks beyond his family and wants to make the world a better place by his products or his actions that help man.


President Obama was elected because he found a way to entice the Common Man. He promised freebies, lower taxes and health care. He would do this by stabbing the Extraordinary Man in the heart. He would tax them to death. He would cripple their ability to help the Common Man through Jobs and a sense of worth. Common Man would never be happy because they were dying in poverty but had no inspiration to do anything about it. Obama played to their joy of a free ride. But buy accepting it they became prisoners of the system.


 Extraordinary Man being a target and laws that were designed to cripple the economy. Americans have little chance to correct this unless we stand up and say no more. In congress today the republicans are doing just that. Obamacare is a bad law that everyone on Capital knows about. It's so bad that the president exempted himself from it. He exempted Congress. He exempted unions and his mob buddies in Chicago. This is a man who cares not for the people. His sole purpose is to make the United States a banana republic. He will do it unless we stop him.


The Democrates on Capital Hill are so far up Obama's ass that they cannot tell right from wrong anymore. Maybe they have been threatened with their lives. What ever their reason, they have become part of the problem. They may have started with the right intentions but they are becoming a key role in the death of a nation.


Wake up people our nation is at war. The Government is against its very own. The dollar will be the next fatality.


Common Man wake up before it's too late. Inspired Man help spread the word. Extraordinary Man hang in there we need you.





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June 27 2013 4 27 /06 /June /2013 03:51

I grew up in the 50's and 60's in Corpus Christi. It was a time of innocence, Friday night lights and drive-ins. Highschool was a trying time if you were not popular and I wasn't. When I graduated the Vietnam War was in it's prime and we gathered at the TV at night to see all the death and destruction being shown by the evening news. The cold war was on and we went to the moon. During that time we never doubted our country or our president. Life for most of us was considered good.


Racism was plague in the South and our government worked to correct the hatred. Today our President does all he can to promote racism. He promotes hatred where ever he goes, rich vs poor, black vs white and lets not forget Republican vs Democrate. It's hard to believe any words out of his mouth because he reads them nearly all the time from a TelePrompTer.


He does all he can to slow down the econmy. He won't allow the Keystone Pipeline. He won't allow offshore drilling on any large scale. While sending money to south america to the same. He has created a welfare state that is obscene. He wants to give amnesty to illegals for their vote. He aids and abets voter fraud through Acorn. He spends taxpayers money faster than we can be taxed. He has no regard for for his people except maybe Kenyans. He uses the IRS for his own political gains. This man has done nothing honorable.


The American people deserve better. It's About Time things get better. It's About Time we could believe in congress again. It's About Time we could believe the president again. It's About Time that truth is the object of honor. It's About Time the people open their eyes to the lies and betrayal  this administration pedals each and every day. It's About Time you pay attention to your nation's heart the Constitution.


It's About Time, if you can work go out and get a job. I know things are tought out there. Your president is doing his best to keep you dependent on the government so you will vote democratic. Find that pride that lies in the hearts of each and every one of us. Don't let them win your soul. They almost own us now. They don't like the Constitution because it limits them. They work around it.


It's About Time to start being an American again or a slave to an president who will not prove his birthplace because he can't. You and only you can prevent forrest  fires. A wise bear once said. Go out and make a difference. Don't you think It's About Time.




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April 28 2013 7 28 /04 /April /2013 10:51

Our nation was founderd because we would not stand for an oppresive leader who taxed us without representation. King George made slaves of our fore fathers just as President Obama does today. It's amazing how history repeats it's self. The only question is, will the American way of life surive the greed of a leader feeding the greed of hard hit lower class..


I understand how the system works. The government is like a drug dealer giving you drugs and getting you hooked on its programs much like a crack dealer selling drugs on the street. The more you take and accept from the government the more you become addicted to its control. The more addicted you become the more freedom is lost. At some point freedom will be lost altogether.


Every time the government (Obama) seems to offer an new program or grants citezenship to illegals he is buying votes to perpetuate the Democratic Party and socialism. Wake up people, Obama is a heartless politician who seeks power at any cost. Make no mistake he cares not for the lower class. He just wants their vote. To get that vote he will sell the heart and soul of freedom.


Don't let greed cause the loss of freedom. 



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  • : Book 'Orion's Shield' author David Solar
  • : Information about the book 'Orion's Shield' and its author David Solar of Corpus Christi, Texas
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