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October 6 2013 7 06 /10 /October /2013 18:05

These are crazy times. It really makes me wonder how the United States have gotten into such a sad state. It seems to me there are three kinds of man. First is the "Common Man". This is a follower a non leader. He does his job for a pay check, if he works at all, and doesn't want to get involved. Then there is the" Inspired man". This is a man who can lead and usually does in one form or another. He Is a man who is inspired to make a better world for himself and family. Then there is the "Extraordinary Man". This looks beyond his family and wants to make the world a better place by his products or his actions that help man.


President Obama was elected because he found a way to entice the Common Man. He promised freebies, lower taxes and health care. He would do this by stabbing the Extraordinary Man in the heart. He would tax them to death. He would cripple their ability to help the Common Man through Jobs and a sense of worth. Common Man would never be happy because they were dying in poverty but had no inspiration to do anything about it. Obama played to their joy of a free ride. But buy accepting it they became prisoners of the system.


 Extraordinary Man being a target and laws that were designed to cripple the economy. Americans have little chance to correct this unless we stand up and say no more. In congress today the republicans are doing just that. Obamacare is a bad law that everyone on Capital knows about. It's so bad that the president exempted himself from it. He exempted Congress. He exempted unions and his mob buddies in Chicago. This is a man who cares not for the people. His sole purpose is to make the United States a banana republic. He will do it unless we stop him.


The Democrates on Capital Hill are so far up Obama's ass that they cannot tell right from wrong anymore. Maybe they have been threatened with their lives. What ever their reason, they have become part of the problem. They may have started with the right intentions but they are becoming a key role in the death of a nation.


Wake up people our nation is at war. The Government is against its very own. The dollar will be the next fatality.


Common Man wake up before it's too late. Inspired Man help spread the word. Extraordinary Man hang in there we need you.





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