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November 17 2013 7 17 /11 /November /2013 06:24

Mr. President,


and I use that term with guarded respect. its time for you to resign. Not only are you a laughing stock to people everywhere, you have betrayed the people's trust. You lied to the people to forward your agenda. You lie so much no one takes you seriously except for the brain dead on the government dole.


You want to take us down the road to Socialism. Your oath to preserve , protect and defend the Constitution was nothing to you but words that had to be said to become President. These words do have meaning but you have turned your back on that meaning every chance you got.. You have nothing but contempt for anything the Founders felt important. You are nothing but a Dictator who thinks he is above everyone. I have news for you, we are tired of your lies and your agenda. 


The only people that are behind you are the ones that you have forced into serfdom and live off food stamps and public housing. As long as they get their free assistance they are happy no matter what you say. The truth is they never listen to you. They just want their free handouts. The only people that listen to you are people who know your words are lies. We know who you are and it has nothing to do with your race. 


Speaking of race, you have done your best to be a divider and promoter of racism because it helps your agenda. You and the media do their best to make it look like America is a racist country. News flash you were elected, twice. Racism is just not the issue it once was but you do your best to bring back racism because it helps your agenda, 


At every turn in the road of your Presidency you turn away from the Constitution and towards Socialism. You have made a mockery of your oath to the people. If the Founders were alive today they would be forming an army to put you out of office. You had so much potiential as the first black President  but you squandered the opportunity to bring this country together. However you have been anything but that.


I remember a commercial on television where a indian looks out at America and is heart broken by what he sees as a tear runs down his cheek. Today insert George Washington as he looks at America and a tear runs down his cheek. He is so ashamed what we have become, lazy, self indulgent and complacent. The Founders would wonder where we went wrong. Mr. President you will never change. You are part of the problem. It there is an ounce of patriotism running through your veins you need to resign. You have all the money you can use, so step aside and let America find her way back to her greatness that we so loved. Can you do that Mr. President can you let her go. The cancer that you are to her could kill her if not treated. Help her live. Resign. Help her return to greatness, Resign. Be part of the solution, Resign.


The people will fight you.  in the end your legacy will be the real looser. You will be know as the President whom the people rose up against and forced him out of office. So before it goes that far, Resign. I'm sorry Sir it's time to Resign.

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