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December 25 2011 7 25 /12 /December /2011 21:55

We all know the story of the first Christmas, The birth of the Christ. Ever since then we have celebrated his bithday on December 25th. it is a day of joy love and memories of past Christmas's. When we were kids the season of Christmas was magical. Santa was real. It was so much fun being a kid. Everywhere we went the Christmas lights filled our eyes. We knew Santa was real.


In school, teachers made displays of Christmas which always included a tree and Santa. It was a time of no wars, drive-in theaters and  strip centers. It was a simple time when there was no cable tv, only 3 stations. Radio was the same just a few stations to listen to. No internet, no need for it. It was a simple time. Families sat down to dinner almost every night. 


So when the season of Christmas began after Thanksgiving we kids were excited. We would count the days hours and minutes till the magical day arrived. However times change and meaning of Christmas also wained. So many things to pull at our heartstrings, cable tv, internet, movie megaplexes computers big and small. War and economic disasters plague our lives. In our schools Santa is no longer allowed and the Christmas tree has turned into a holiday tree. These are sad times. i worry about our young children of today. They will never appreciate Christmas as I knew it. 


Christmas today is more an excuse to buy presents for friends and families than a loving feeling that holds families together. It is up to the adults to give Christmas back to the children. We must light the fire of delight in our kids. Bring God back into our souls and let the magic of Christmas fill our hearts again.


The Gift of Christmas is like a battery charger. It's a time of renewal filling your battery with love and hope to last you until the next year. So you see the real gift is people and family that are near and dear to us. No present can replace a loved one. God gave his son to remind us of his love. It is that same love we share with friends and family. So rejoice in Christmas it is a great gift in it's self.9781618622204.jpg


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December 8 2011 4 08 /12 /December /2011 03:16

It has been a while since I talked about Obama. Lately he has been predictably boring. But yesterday giving a speech at a high school he revealed his true spots. He blasted republicans and stated that our United States  have never worked as a country. 


I'm sorry this man does not deserve to be President. From day one he has run down this country if front of the world. He insulted our ally Isreal. He insults republicans because they won't bow down to King Obama. He spends our grandchildrens money like it was his own private account. He takes vacations as often as he has to go to the bathroom.


He has been compared to Stalin, Karl Marks and Adolf Hitler. I would be the first to say socialism flows through his veins. Adolf Hitler is a bit much but Adolf killed people, Obama wants to kill our civil liberties. He wants to control all that we have and do. He has been killing our economy and the value of the dollar. His policies have cause thousands of people to loose their  jobs. He wants to kill the Canadian pipeline which would bring thousands of jobs back to the jobless.


Obama doesn't want sucess. He wants people to fail so they become dependant on him and reelect  him. He is a traitor to the American way. Our Founders would be forming and army as they did in 1776.  He is a cancer that must be removed or we will surely die. Our country will become a banana republic. Our once proud strong country will be the but of jokes. With Obama laughing counting his money in swiss bank accounts, part of the lost stimulus dollars.


If you have read this far you either agree with me or want to shoot me. If you want to shoot me that's ok. Maybe you might start thinking for yourself. Don't believe everything Obama says as the truth. Don't blame the rich for all your problems. It's the rich that are responsible for giving people jobs. It's the rich that keep the economy going. I'm not rich but I understand how the economy works.


Has Obama done anything good for anyone? Don't say ObamaCare because it does much more harm than any good. If you can think of anything it was done at the cost of the taxpayers. If you plan on voting in the next election do the country a favor, investigate both canidates before you make your choice. Our country is depending on you to do the right thing.

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November 9 2011 3 09 /11 /November /2011 03:30

We just had a astroid fly between the Earth and the Moon. What a perfect time to announce that the United States government has never found or have any evidence of alien life. Now I find it hard to believe that there is no evidence that we are sitting on to protect the people of the United States. God forbid we find out that aliens exist. We as a people are not qualified to handle the information. Who knows we may start committing murder and zombies may walk the earth. Oh help us Mr President, save us from our selves.


The truth of the situation is the President should of just kept quiet like all of the past presidents have. He sets his self up for another lie. When the truth finally does come forward and it will probably sooner than later we will know he lied again. Why do that. Why ? I'll tell you why. He has to be in the lime light. He doesn't like it when the media isn't talking about him.


Another truth Mr. President you would be better off if you kept quiet. You see now a days talk about you is not to note worthy. However no talk is better that negative talk. But as a non fan I get a kick out of your lack of good judgement. I 've even offered you my book time and time again which would help you get reelected. But still no response. That's a big surprise why do anything that might help your odds for reelection. When have you done anything that would help yourself. 


Do you remember the nickname President Zero.  Quite Fitting.



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November 1 2011 2 01 /11 /November /2011 02:07

A few days ago my daughter told me she wanted to join the Navy. From birth till now she has been one fiesty female who seemly knew all of my buttons to push good and bad.  I had mentioned the armed forces as a possible career choice much to the dismay of her mother. Although happy for her because this may be the best decision she will ever make, i too felt sadness.


I look back at all the decisions I made at her age and wished I would have made some different choices. First I would have staid in the Air Force, check that then no Katie or Matt or Ryan. Okay Sometime we can't change our choices. That is why it is so important to make the best decisions you can as you are faced with life's choices. It's funny how time has a way of creating wisdom. The more time expired the better our decisions become. This because we learn the heartaches of bad decisions. Those bad decisions haunt us the rest of our lives.


Katie your decision to join the Navy will be one of those decisions you look back upon as one that changed your life forever. You will travel the world and see the good and bad that faces peoples of different countries. It will make you a better soldier, american and a true patriot of the United States. From birth till now I could not be more proud of you. You are on the verge of a great adventure. My best advice to you will be enjoy all the moments that will sculpt the new you. Relish change and be proud of who you become. 


Life will alway throw you curves. It wouldn't be fun without some strikeouts. So when you do shine everyone will appreciate it. So don't be afraid to fail. Failure makes us stronger. So learn from your mistakes and live life one day at a time.


The Navy will be better because of you. You will be a better person because of the Navy. Every day be your best in all that you do and doors will open for you.


A proud Dad

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September 25 2011 7 25 /09 /September /2011 18:25

After experiencing sixty years of sex , lies and videoiape I have grown into the person I am today. For years I've been searching for my purpose in being born. For many of my childhood years I experienced may unhappy moments. My parents divorced when I was about eight and I had two younger sisters. Back then I was close to my sisters even protective. 


As we got older my sisters and myself spent more and more time with our grand parents. Our Parents were too busy with their self indulgences to raise their kids. So they dropped them off at Grandma and DaddyBill's quite often. So it was as dysfunctional as they come. The only good of my childhood was my grand parents. They did their best to raise us.


As the years slipped by I became better friends with my parents but my dad was too stern at times. On many ocassions my ass became a battle field for my Dad's belt. I remember one time I was taken to the doctor after a beating, My ass and legs were so bruised I could barely walk.


Time our ultimate enemy goes on and after loosing my student deferment I recieved a preinduction notice in the mail. I had to go to San Antonio for my preinduction physical, which I passed. I was told in a month I would be called up for the Army. So I did what I felt to be smart , joined the Air Force.


So I got through basis training and Vietnam.  After living through so much darkness and emotional pain life back home would only be easier. I wouldn't let much bother me. I was probably looked at as being cold natured. I just wouldn't let much bother me. However if I did get mad I was hard to control or stop.


So here I am after two failed marriages and three kids, alone and unhappy with my job. I try to evaluate myself and my purpose in life and wonder why God wasted his time on me. My job today is so boring so mundane. It's hard to go to work and joyous to leave. 


Two years ago I began writing a book and those many hours of self indulgence have paid off. In January my book 'Orion's Shield' will be out in book stores. I hope that this book is popular. It may be my last chance to happiness and maybe love. I want to write for a living. I want to love what I do not despise it. I would like to talk to student bodies about finding your dreams before time runs out, much like I have.


Maybe being a writer is God's purpose for me. Who knows? I believe I am a better person because of it. Feeling better about myself has to help all aspects of life. Who knows maybe Lady Luck and a lady will find me after sixty years of searching.







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September 21 2011 3 21 /09 /September /2011 04:30

Mr President it is time to stop and smell the roses. You have shown from trial and error you don't have a clue about what you are doing. It's not your fault you had no training on being President. America will remember how enept you were as it's leader. There is no company in the world that you  could run and make a profit. You are a business killer. You cannot see the forest because of the trees.


You want to pass a job bill, I really doubt it. You don't care if America works , you care about vacations. You said, "If you love me help me pass my bill." This is strickly a political speech for 2012.  You know that bill will never see the light of day so now you try to divide us by class wars. When you call out the rich as not paying enough you are trying to turn all low income families to your side. WAKE up you sorry bag of bones. We know what you are doing.


I have never seen such a pathetic display of leadership. You are willing to lie about any and all Presidential situations. You are a disgrace to the job. You put yourself ahead of God and Country. If you had any consience you would resign but I know your ego won't allow you to. So the Country will have to suffer through your remaining time as our leader.


What you fail to realize is the rich are the best thing for our country. They provide the fuel for econmy, not you and your stupid ideas. The rich own businesses that provide jobs. This is the heart of our econmy. The rich must make profit in order to keep their businesses open which in turn keeps jobs producing income for paying taxes and expenses. If we are lucky we have extra that we can save. Unfortunately most of us living pay check to pay check. don't save as much as we need to. As a result we are very wary of price changing whether gasoline for cars or electricity for homes. Your policies have hurt us in a way that directly effects our purchasing power. Sir you are part of the problem.


Sir if you really want to help your people do the following, First, lower taxes on business. Get rid of the EPA, it has too many restrictions on business. Quit worrying about the rich. As long as they are happy the econmy will prosper. It is your taxes and regulations that slow down the economy. Just  let the your people do their thing and it will. Less government is the best government.


Let your people go and we will generate more tax revenue than your tax the rich plans.


By the way my book 'Orions Shield' will help you become a better president.



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September 12 2011 1 12 /09 /September /2011 06:05

My last blog talked about the Job Speech the President was to give. Again he wants us to "Pass the Bill" quickley. He is so full of himself. The speech was no more than a political speech trying to buy votes. We are on to you sir. Your magical speech abilities are waining. We know you are full of self indulgent ideas to keep you king and damn your subjects.


The truth is you still don't get it. You want to punish the rich. You think the government can create jobs. The government cannot creat anything but it can effect everthing. You want control when you should get out of the way. Why is it so hard to understand rasing taxes on the rich is stupid and fruitless. It is stupid because the rich are the very people that create jobs, but when you increase regulations and raise taxes on them you stifel them and increases in revenue are not realized. In other words you fail again. 


I understand that you you hate this land of wonderful people. I understand how you prey on the old and poor to win votes, that's politics. However your decisions and actions are borderline treason. For the life of me I don't understand how your followers remain so committed to you. It must be all the so called free things they think are coming their way. Healthcare, that will not be free. At least it will be reversed one way or another by Congress or Supreme Court, it is unconstitutional. 


And for once quit blaming President G.W. Bush for all your woes. You have created a much bigger monster by yourself. Our country is on the verge of bankruptcy and war with China due to your misguided plans. Our Country is close to loosing its place in the world. We are trying to find our nation's heart and soul which was lost as you drove nails in our economic coffin.


It's time to do the right thing. You need to realize socialism has never worked. Let our nation take care of it's self. It will if you let it. Quit tring to place your mark on society. Or you will become known as the Zero President for all time.


PS   Mr. Prersident my book could still help you.



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September 4 2011 7 04 /09 /September /2011 20:51

It has been a while since my last blog. I've been thinking about what I should write about next. As always I tend to gravitate to our wonderful President. Never has so much been said about so little actually done. He has yet to do an ounce of work that has produced any positive praise or results.


This next week the President is annoucing he has some magical way to create jobs. He has been teasing the Nation for nearly a month about job creation. If he really had a plan he would have announced it sooner or he really doesn't care about  the people who have been without work for months or even years.


This President is such a showboat that his speech must be before a joint session of Congress. He first wanted to schedule the speech at the same time the Republicans have a scheduled debate on Wednesday. Personally I feel he just didn't want the republicans talking about his job proposal during the debate. 


After caving on the Wednesday date, the President  decided to have his speech just before the NFL starts its season on Thursdat night. Fast forward to Thursday night. NFL pregame show has been interuppted for the President's speech. People in the stands have to sit there and wait for the president to finish his lie filled speech. Once over the fans will be cheering that much louder because the biggest blow hard in American history has finished another thought prevoking speech.


So what will he say on Thursday night? How will he create jobs when all of his ideas have already failed. Why should we believe that any new ideas will work? We will hear words like intrastructure, shovel ready, revenue and those obstructionists, the republicans. The bottomline is who will pay for his proposals The answer is you will be.


The President will talk about building new schools, roads and bridges but we have no money for such things. These are things that the State is usually is responsible for not the Nation. The problem is we are broke and any job building shoild be coming from the private sector.  The President should remove regulations that  generate revenue and untie the hands of business and let growth generate jobs not the government.


I'm afraid the only thing that will cure the job problem our President doesn't believe in. Freedom is what the President doesn't believe in. He wants to control everthing you say and do. He is the cancer that threatens the life of our great nation. I just hope he can be cut out in 2012. For the good of the people we need to rediscover Freedom.


Mr. President its not too late. Read my book and find the love of our Nation you seem to have lost.

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August 25 2011 4 25 /08 /August /2011 05:36

'Mr Hobbs takes a Vacation' was the title of a movie about a normal middle class family in the 1960's. They had the usuall

 problems with teenage kids and sticky situations that we all related too. What we can't relate to is vacations of President Obama. 


During the past  year the President and his family have used 42 days of vacation which includes Martha's Vineyard. The tax payers have covered $10,000,000 in costs for our King and Queen. I do believe the President makes $400,000 per year and appearently an expense account of $10,000,000. 


Are you mad yet? If not wake up! Try this on for size. The First Lady has 40 personal assistants. The President doesn't need 40 personal assistants. This is fodder for the Twilight Zone.


How do you expect  the President to fix the economy when he cannot curb his own expenses. All he cares about is keeping his job at all costs. Everyone is expendible ask Seal Team Six.


It's not too late Mr. President. Read my book and become a better President. Or be what you are "The Baddest President of them all/"



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August 14 2011 7 14 /08 /August /2011 20:25

Over the past couple of weeks I have listened to all the talk shows and have more questions than answers. It all starts back with the supposeded killing of Osama Bin Ladin. I say supposed because some top officials had claimed that he was dead and on ice for several years. 


Before I go any farther I need to ask you to listen to Alex Jones and "Coast to Coast AM". Alex Jones 11:00 central till 2:00 pm. "Coast to Coast AM" is usuall on 11:00 pm till 4:00 am seven days a week. These two programs will fill your ears with hard to believe information but I believe in my heart it is true information. Maybe not all but it's good to hear and you can research and evaluate for yourself. The important thing is listen with an open attitude. Do this and you will become a better American. Most media out there is so controled by the government. I don't even consider any stories about the Obama Administration true unless it comes from Fox. Having said all this lets get back to Seal Team 6.


So the story is they find and kill and bury at sea. The people of the United States get no prof of the deed. All we have is the word of the President. I'm sorry there is no story that the President could tell and I would believe. This President is a known liar and would do anything to propagate his agenda. So when things get tough for Obama something happens always seems to happen to sway public opinion.


So Osama Bin Ladin is killed, Obama is praised for killing the man President Bush couldn't. So why kill him. Why not bring him before the people of the United States. Why not debrief him of all his planned terror activities. Why waste such a propaganda cow. The answer is simple he was already dead.


Please realize this is all specuation. Seal Team Six have sworn oaths to the United States and would not spill the beans about the fake capture and killing. The quick burial at sea. It all stinks. Now fast forward three months. The Seals of team team Six have spoken amoung themselves and don't like being used by a Communist President. Then they learn that the President has allowed a movie to be made and is scheduled to be released before the next election. Of course the movies makes the President look good and who knows could help him get reelected.


Seal Team Six will not be used in such a way and plans to blow the whistle. The President finds out and orders the termination of Seal Team Six. So they they are assigned to a huge, slow big target to carry them all. A bomb could have been on board or and RPG could have knocked them out of the sky. The official story was an RPG brought them down.


I believe Seals always traveled in Black Hawk gun ships not flying buses. Too many lies. The icing on the cake, two days later the killer who fired the RPG is found and killed. Do the names Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby mean anything to you. Do you honestly believe we could find that person that quick, just another lie.


Im afraid we have a government out of control. It's a sad day when the government portects the government and not its people. We have only our selves to blame for letting this happen. We must change in 2012 or our America will belong to banks, china and a communist President. 

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  • : Book 'Orion's Shield' author David Solar
  • : Information about the book 'Orion's Shield' and its author David Solar of Corpus Christi, Texas
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